Landscape arch 2015 utah
Landscape arch 2015 utah

Urban Function & Landscape interventions, including the presence of exercise facilities, shops, cafés or pocket parks, can promote the greatest and remarkable effect on the sense of safety. The gender difference is another important finding. We found that green landscapes with a geometrical style promoted a greater sense of safety than green landscapes with a naturalistic style. The Landscape Only interventions yielded moderate but still insufficient effect. Our results show that the Cleaning intervention yielded the lowest and very limited effect. 218 participants participated in a photo questionnaire to rate the safety of scenes displaying the existing alley conditions and alley interventions. Next, we produced photo simulations for each of the alleys by using Adobe Photoshop 6.0, highlighting specific landscape or urban function interventions that could revitalize the five alley scenes. We selected five back alleys in Hong Kong and took panoramic photos of existing conditions. We used a photo-questionnaire survey to investigate how design interventions to revitalize alleys impact people’s safety perceptions. In fact, many alleys have the potential to be benign or even valuable spaces that can benefit citizens in multiple ways. In this study, we examined people’s safety perceptions of existing alley conditions in Hong Kong city. Citizens often perceive the back alleys as gray, unsanitary, chaotic, crime-infested places. Citizens, especially females, try to avoid back alleys because of the problem of safety. Team: Bin Jiang, Cecilia Mak (Co-PI, HK Government)Ībstract: The back alley is a common but often neglected urban space in high-density cities. Title: Revitalizing alleys in high-density cities: How urban and landscape design interventions impact the sense of safety

landscape arch 2015 utah landscape arch 2015 utah

Research Centre: Urban Environments & Human Health Lab

Landscape arch 2015 utah